Our exhibition in a bottle has left Italy after four months and travelled across Europe to the Netherlands. Last week it arrived at the University of Amsterdam, and the wonderful UvA Kunstgeschiedenis, or Department of Art History. Art historian, curator and Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History Prof. Dr. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, formerly of Ulster University, received it.

This time, instead of being installed in a curator’s home, the exhibition has been installed within a shared space in the university, so that students and staff can visit and explore it. After the fragmented and difficult year that many students have faced, the Art History team felt it was important that “the staff and students, who only occasionally come to the office now, feeling rather alone, will know what’s on and enjoy not being alone…”

Along with Prof. Dr. Lerm-Hayes, the team of Désirée Kroep and Annepiet Nouwen unpacked and photographed the artworks – some of which are now beginning to show the wear and tear of their long journey.

The glass ‘Tower’ [by Graham Gingles] emerged from the packaging in a form that is still intact in parts, but has many broken bits, too… We thought that this added a dramatic twist to the US flags [by Joy Gerrard] and decided to place it beside them as a toppled structure.”

For those lucky enough to be at University of Amsterdam, the exhibition is located in UvA Kunstgeschiedenis BG2 building (binnengasthuisterrein 2), and will be there until the New Year! The building is open during work hours and the exhibition on 2nd floor accessed (for those without a pass) by asking the porter.

Thanks to all the team at UvA!

Bram Groenteman
Désirée Kroep
Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes
Annepiet Nouwen