We are delighted to announce that the Golden Thread Gallery will be leading a new Arts Council of Northern Ireland Arts & Older People Project in partnership with Flowerfield Arts Centre in Portstewart, Roe Valley Arts Centre in Limavady and The Over the Hill Collective in Belfast.

The True Confessions project will explore the links between music, memory, art and lyrics, taking the simple starting point that every participant will have a lifetime of stories to tell. Our artist facilitators will work with them using visual arts, music and poetry to unlock and share memories, reminiscences and stories.

Some participants may prefer to make a visual representation of their story using clay, collage, paint or drawing; others may choose to write a poem; while other may perform a self-written song. Each participant will be supported and encouraged to develop their own “voice”. The project will promote friendship and understanding through the shared experiences that are sure to be uncovered throughout.

Peter Richards, Gallery Director at the Golden Thread Gallery, says, ‘The processes of collaboration and uncovering yet-to-be discovered talents challenges and inspires us to see the world around us from fresh perspectives. We eagerly await the unexpected in the project’s final exhibition, formed through the juxtaposition of works yet to be created being shown alongside works well established.’

Desima Connolly, Cultural Facilities Development Manager for Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council, commented, ‘We are delighted to be working on this project with the Golden Thread Gallery and to develop this partnership providing such a valuable creative project to the local  Causeway Coast and Glens region, particularly one that innovatively engages with senior citizens across the borough.’

Paul Kane, founder of The Over the Hill Music Collective said, ‘The links between music and memory are profound and working with older people in the community, especially those with dementia, really is beneficial to their wellbeing and quality of life. Coupled with the artistic element to the project, and it really is a win/win combination.

The project will be working with a number of groups from the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area including the West Bann Development, Coleraine and the Limavady Community Development Initiative.

Musician Paul Kane, ceramicist Fiona Shannon and artist Corrina Askin will lead the workshops which will be held at Flowerfield Art Centre and out in the community.

The project will culminate in a showcase concert featuring some of the participants own poems, stories and music as well as an exhibition curated by Peter Richards, Director of the Golden Thread Gallery, in which the older people’s work will be displayed alongside artworks from the ACNI Collection.

The exhibition will be held at Flowerfield Arts Centre in May 2020.

The project starts in January 2020. For more information please contact the Golden Thread Gallery on info@gtgallery.co.uk