‘Not Alone’ continues its journey in Italy

‘Not Alone’ continues its journey in Italy

Our exhibition in a bottle is in Rome, installed by curator Manuela Pacella in her home. Manuela has a deep interest in the the history and art of Northern Ireland, since curating the Patria Interiore / Inner Homeland exhibition here at the GTG in 2012, and then being...
‘Not Alone’ departs for Rome!

‘Not Alone’ departs for Rome!

Our touring exhibition ‘Not Alone’ has left Bologna, and is on its way to Rome! Carefully packed up by our first curator Chiara Matteucci, the artworks will now travel 400km across Italy to the home of Manuela Pacella in Rome. Manuela is an independent...
GTG Workshop: Create a sun collage with Chloe Morrison

GTG Workshop: Create a sun collage with Chloe Morrison

Today’s GTG Workshop is a colourful and fun activity for a cold and grey day – making a beautiful abstract sun collage, inspired by legendary African-American artist and teacher Alma Thomas. Chloe Morrison guides you through step-by-step, and you can...
GTG welcomes our new Gallery Assistant!

GTG welcomes our new Gallery Assistant!

Golden Thread Gallery is delighted to welcome Katharine Paisley to the gallery staff team, as our new Gallery Assistant. It was a long wait for us all, as lockdown delayed our recruitment process! In this role Katharine will provide assistance and support across the...
GTG Artists Present: Aisling O’Beirn

GTG Artists Present: Aisling O’Beirn

Artist and Belfast School of Art lecturer Aisling O’Beirn has created this wonderful film collage tour of her studio, and a gallery of work for our latest edition of GTG Artists Present. Aisling states that her work “explores relationships between...