VOX HYBRIDA Alice Maher with Emma Brennan and Chloe Austin

VOX HYBRIDA Alice Maher with Emma Brennan and Chloe Austin

Saturday 25th February to Saturday 8th April 2023 VOX HYBRIDA is an exhibition by Irish artist Alice Maher, featuring responsive artworks from Emma Brennan and Chloe Austin. Maher’s practice is dynamic, often utilising different media including painting, drawing,...
VOX HYBRIDA Alice Maher with Emma Brennan and Chloe Austin

Lunchtime talk: VOX HYBRIDA Alice Maher

Alice Maher – VOX HYBRIDA – With Emma Brennan and Chloe Austin. 4th April 2023 1.00pm – 2.00pm We are proud to be partnered with Belfast Exposed for their Health Through Photography conference. Golden Thread will be hosting a lunch time talk with Vox...